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Never Enough Time
We never feel that we have enough time,
to spend with all the ones who we love.
But each day that's given to us together,
is a true blessing from Our Father above.
We should feel thankful for any time given,
even though in our heart we do want more.
But eternal life isn't possible, for any of us,
to be received on this side of Heaven's door.
Each day should be cherished as precious,
and each tomorrow as a gift to be treasured.
Making the most of the time which we have,
is how our life together should be measured.
We will always be wishing to have forever;
our hearts will break when time doesn't last.
And though it hurts to no longer be together,
feel blessed for time you shared in the past.
There will never be enough time in our life,
and we never know if it will be short or long.
Share as much as you can with each other,
as time together now, is where you belong.
© Pamela Hall 26th September, 1999
This poem is copyrighted and the sole property of
Pamela Hall.
Please do not take this poem without the author's permission.
You can go and purchase her wonderful poetry
where you can order a copy of her first poetry book
Angel of The Hea®t~'s Creations

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