Song Playing is "I Will Always Love You"
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My Angel Zak
My Darling son was taken away,
And in God's arms is where he will stay.
I miss my Angel so very much,
I long to hold him if just to touch.
Zak will always be with me,
His sweet little face I will always see.
My son has earned his little wings,
And will be put to sleep while the Angels sing.
I know some day together we will be,
And you will know I am your mother.
When we meet again I will never let you go,
For together we will live and grow.
Sleep well my darling I love you with all my heart
And I cry when I think how my son did part.
I look to the stars every night,
And if you listen real close you will hear my whisper
"Good night.
I Miss you Zak."
Love Mom
This poem was written by a wonderful lady for Zak.
Thank you Judy.
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