Song Playing is "I Will Always
Love You"
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Life Must Go On
I don't always find living my life so easy.
with our time of being together now gone.
Although it is so hard with you not here,
I do know, that my life must continue on.
I miss all of the things we always shared,
and so many things we had not yet done.
Everything that was special with only you,
which can not be replaced; not by anyone.
I know I have to continue on with my life,
until time comes for me to again join you.
If I were able to hear you speaking to me,
I'm sure, you'd be saying these words too.
Although my sad heart still aches for you,
and my life isn't the same as it was before.
Life is far too precious not to be fully lived,
and I'm blessed, to still have time for more.
So I will always carry your love in my heart,
living my life the best way that I know how.
Remembering this is what you'd want of me,
and I must therefore start to live again, now.
Memories of you will forever be my strength,
and they will live with you inside of my heart.
I will remember everything you mean to me,
instead of living the sadness, of being apart.
© Pamela Hall 27th December, 1999
This poem is copyrighted and the sole property of
Pamela Hall.
Please do not take this poem without the author's permission.
You can visit her business site where you can order a copy of her first
poetry book
Angel of The Hea®t~'s Creations

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