Song Playing is "Angels Watching
Over Me"

Dear Zak,
I wanted to write to you to let you
know how much I miss you. I feel very blessed to have had you for a Grandson.
I'm having a hard time writing this because of the sadness I feel now that
you are not here to share in our Family with hugs, smiles and just talking
about what you wanted to do when you grew up.
A Grandparent does not expect to outlive their Grandchildren. Your death
has been tragic for us and so many others; but I know that I have a lot
of wonderful memories that we have shared. From the day you were inside
your Mom until your death, we had a lot of good times. Watching you and
your brothers, taking you to a movie or out to lunch before you started
kindergarten. Going to your school activities and seeing how smart you
were even as a little one. You would excel in every thing from schoolwork
to being a good friend to someone that needed help at school. I felt proud
to know even without being asked you helped a little friend with his books
and lunch tray because he was in need.
You were the kind of kid everyone wanted to be friends with. Do you remember
the game you won and when they delivered it to your house; it was the big,
giant arcade machine. Remember when Grandpa took you to Burger King and
you put your name in a raffle and you won your own brand new bike!! You
were focused on your future since you could throw a basketball because
from the time you were little you loved the game. Even though you played
soccer, baseball, football which you were great at; we knew your game was
basketball. We would yell and clap and be soooooooo proud to see all of
your achievements. You said one day that you would live in a mansion and
Grandpa and I could live with you; you would play for the NBA too! And
guess what Zak; we believed it because we saw how hard you worked toward
that goal. We loved to tell our friends what you were doing and how you
were on the Highest Honor Roll and a Student Mediator. You were able to
do all these things and still be a fun guy. You shocked us the day we saw
your red hair and earring, but you know what Zak��..I have always admired
you because dying your hair or the clothes you wore were saying you were
not afraid to be who you wanted to be and did not offend anyone.
Do you remember our Camping trips and fishing with Grandpa? The first time
he kept going from your spot to help out on the worms to your brothers
to help them too���.then all of the sudden you asked why isn't Grandpa
fishing???? These are our special times, even when you wanted to drive
our golf cart and were so happy you could because you had your license;
you put your name on the steering wheel.
When we would go to Church you must have really got the meaning, because
when we found out that the Priest saw you at Mass it mean a lot to know
that you had God in you life as well as your friends.
I miss your handsome face and beautiful smile and hugs and a kiss when
you would greet me Hello. I will be waiting for that time to come again
when we will be together. You will always be with me in my memories, and
I will be proud of you forever. I'll be forever proud of all of the good
you have done. You touched a lot of people in 16 years. I know you have
made them all smile just to remember even one thing that you shared together.
Until we meet again in our Father's mansion���������.
Love, Grandma Gerri & Grandpa Lenny

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