Song Playing is "I Will Always Love You"

Zak's Life by Pam Nese (Zak's
I guess I should start from the very,
very beginning. When I first realized I was pregnant with Zak I was really
very happy; as a matter of fact just as happy as I was when I found out
I was pregnant with his two older brothers, Troy & Derek. But I had
complications with this pregnancy from the very beginning and had to go
to the emergency room. When I was at the emergency room they told me that
yes, I was pregnant however I was going to miscarry this baby, they gave
me a paper and sent me home and told me to prepare myself. NO.I was not
going to lose this baby, no way!!! No matter what they told me I knew deep
down inside that I would carry this baby till the time he was to be born
into the world. The rest of my waiting for Zak to be born was very scary
but I was bound and determine not to lose him..and we could have lost him
very, very many times BUT 11/19/84 finally came around and a beautiful,
beautiful baby boy came into the world and we named him Zachary(Zak) Joseph
Piekarski. He was an absolute joy from the very first moment I laid my
eyes on him and he was completely perfect
Each time one of my boys were born I looked into those Beautiful ANGELEYES
and I fell in love again!! Birth and NOW Death have been such a mystery
to me; each so very bittersweet; each moments that I will never forget
in Zak's exceptional journey. A journey that began with love and ended
with love; a love that will transcend all space & time. I feel so very
honored that God chose me to be Zak's Mom. I just wish that I would have
been given more time; Oh how very selfish of me huh?

Zak grew and grew, every time we would
take Zak for a check-up he would always be "off of the growth charts".
He was a pleasant baby and toddler and his brothers just loved him very
much. Everyone knew when the Piekarski Boys went anywhere. Usually the
three brothers were dressed a lot alike I even used to "spike"
their hair for a year or so....so that hair grooming thing started at a
very young age for anyone that was wondering . Zak was the ultimate "GhostBuster"
for quite a few years my Mom made him his own "GhostBuster" uniform
and Zak used to wear it ALL OF THE TIME. He would wake up in the morning
and put his clothes on and put his "GhostBuster" uniform right
over his clothes and be a "GhostBuster" all day long. We bought
him the tape of the 1st movie and he would watch it over, and over again
till he could recite the lines one after the other. I became quite concerned
and actually called his Pediatrician and asked if that was a normal thing!!!!!!!
He told us just to let him alone and eventually he would grow out of it.

Zak went to Kindergarten and I will
never forget just how much taller and generally bigger Zak was then all
the other kids. I'll never forget being at Kindergarten for some party
and there was Zak standing next to one of his little friend and I mean
little. Poor Zak looked liked he was 2 years older than everyone else...and
for a while in his life it stayed like that. Then puberty set in and the
boys and the girls started to get just as tall as Zak. But there was always
one continuous thing in his whole life from the time he was crawling till
the time he drove a car, it was his love for Basketball.

Zak's love for basketball came from
his Dad. There were always basketballs around our house everywhere..we
even put up a basketball hoop outside and a light so they all could play
any time they wanted to play day or night. Zak's love for basketball was
always growing just like he was; Zak's Dad was always a very talented basketball
player and I guess it was just a genetic thing with Zak. Heck, I would
even get into the basketball thing even though I wasn't very good at all;
it was just really a fun thing to do as a family.

Zak played soccer, football, baseball,
and basketball and tried various other sports heck in football (The Shaler
Cubs) Zak was so fast that he would make the kick-off and run down the
field to make the tackle. It was such an amazing thing to watch..Zak's
intensity. Zak pushed himself always to the point of his physical limits;
he always maxed himself out. I believe he did it for the pure pleasure
of seeing if he could do it...always pushing everything to the limit. He
pushed it a lot to the limits with me, his Mom many times. Sometimes he
was successful and sometimes to his dismay he was not. Zak had the uncanny
way of always trying to get EVERYTHING that he wanted; no matter what!!!!!!!!!

Zak would say, "Hey Mom, Johnny
did that or didn't so that soooooooo"....and I would always come back
with the "Hey Zak, I don't care what Johnny did or didn't do, Did
you try your personal best?????" If you didn't try then you cheated
YOURSELF, no one else cause you know what Johnny doesn't give a Dam@ what
you did or didn't do. Thinking back on Zak's life in general I really believe
that what I taught him really finally did get through to his heart. Yep
sure I'll admit, and so will his coaches admit Zak had a way of getting
on your nerves at times but Zak also had a way of getting to your heart
a lot too!!!

Zak had a style, a definite style of
all of his own!!!!!!!! There were times when he would wear two completely,
totally different shoes.I mean color, style and everything, hey how about
those knee socks he wore in basketball?. Not many of the other players
wore knee socks like Zak. Over the last two years his hair color changed
indiscriminately...at his whim. I take credit for that, I change my hair
color a lot too. Hey other Mom's pick out pierced earrings, hair colors,
flavored chapped stick, jewelry and such with their daughters, I got to
do stuff like that with Zak!!!!!! I loved it; I always strived to let my
sons celebrate their selves. To find out the mysteries about anything that
they wanted; within limits. But limits were something that Zak loved to
go beyond...he always wanted to push all the limits.

To describe Zak's zest for life is
something almost impossible to do, but I'll try. When my boys were growing
up I always strived to help them to believe in themselves. I always would
do a little chant with them and to be honest with you we would say it every
day before they went to school It was
1) Do my best no matter anything I do
2) Be a happy boy
3) I'm #1.
I truly believe that Zak really believed these words and they found their
way into his heart & soul.

I could probably go on and on and list
just so many occurrences, Zak had just a certain way about himself; he
usually knew what to say just at the right time. When I was a single Mom,
Zak would sometimes be able to give me the spark that I needed to go on
when some of the darkest and loneliest days came around. I'm sure if it
would not have been for my three Sons I'm not sure what would have happened
to me. My boys gave me a reason to live; my boys were all that I had to
live for for quite a long time. It was hard for Zak to let another man
into my life no matter what he would say, but I truly hope with my heart
and soul that Zak was happy for me on 2/24/01 when I married a wonderful,
loving man named Art.

Zak was such an Energy it was as if
he knew what was going to happen to him and he filled a lifetime of experiences
into 16 ¾ years of life. What a gift God bestowed upon me, what
three beautiful gifts Troy, Derek & Zak always were to me. Gifts are
not possessions and that is one of the hardest lessons in life to learn.
The last 10 months of Zak's life he chose to live full time with his Dad
and those 10 months were some of the most wonderful for me (because of
a new man in my life) but yet the hardest days of my life. To learn separation
from your children is another very hard lesson to learn; it was a lesson
for me that was to be vital to my existence and sanity. For me, I know
in my heart & soul that during those 10 months God and the Angels were
getting me ready for 9/16/01. I'm still not sure that I'll ever be ready
for Zak's death��maybe 9/16/01 is just a dream or better to say a nightmare
from which I haven't woke up yet from??? If it is a nightmare, please God
and Angels let me wake up right now.

My husband Art and myself were at the
fire. My Son Troy called us and we hurried over to the house. I can't ever
explain to anyone just all of the emotions that were surging throughout
my body when I stood there trying to really comprehend just what was really
going on and what I was being a witness to. I wanted to run into the fire
to try and save my child but I couldn't. I felt so very helpless and I
was so afraid that he was in pain and I was soooo very frightened. Zak's
life was running through my mind like a high-speed film; memories were
bombarding me from every direction. I was feeling so many emotions at one
time, I was so very worried about Troy because he looked as if he was in
shock and I didn't know how to help him. I didn't know where Derek was
but was reassured that he was not in the fire. I was waiting for Zak to
come up behind me and comfort me and tell me that it was all a mistake
and he was not in that fire, up in that bedroom, right behind that window
that I was staring at.

The Police and Fireman were all trying
their very best but there was nothing at all that they could do.. A police
officer explained to me what was going to happen and advised me not to
be there when they took Zak's body down from his room. I COULD NOT LEAVE,
HE LEFT ME FOREVER I had to be strong and wait till they took Zak away
no matter what. I was there when Zak came into the world and I was going
to be there when they took Zak's body away.

In my mind I actually could comprehend
what was happening, but my heart was breaking and my womb in which I carried
Zak hurt really bad. I had a deep ache inside of my body, an ache that
will never go away.

Zak you were a High Honor Student..A
Phenom Basketball Player, caring person to handicapable people, hardy laugher,a
loud screamer..sometimes a whiner..a back-scratching needy person, person
who told us you loved us..great friend to someone in need, snappy dresser,
fashion designer, clothes critiquer, a artist, a Hooper and an absolutely
wonderful Son.

I'll never forget my Grandma, she died
just 2 months or so after Zak was born and when Zak went to heaven she
came down to earth to help him find his way to be with God. Zak I know
you are an incredible Angel of God with wings of gold.. helping all of
the young people to find their way. God took you to be home with him, so
you could be a great helper to him. I know that basketball game up there
in heaven is full of excitement now that you are up there but remember
not to yell at your Coach or the Refs I'm sure that the Pearly Gates will
never be the same with you there. God is so lucky to have you..but I truly
thank him for the time he let me have you as my Son.


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